240 683 6336 [email protected]

How did you decide to pursue the career that you are working in today? 

In the process of practicing law—a career that I had dreamed of since I was a child—I  realized that my commitment to serving others encompassed more than the work that I did as a lawyer. So, I dug deep to discover exactly how I could serve others meaningfully, yet in a more expansive way. Eventually, WordSmithRapport was born.


What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful leader?

I don’t know that I would qualify them as the top three, but of the many skills that a leader needs to be successful, these three are definitely critical components: emotional intelligence, true grit, and compassion.


What habits helped make you successful

A willingness to take chances and an impeccable work ethic.


What motivates you?

Seeing a client experience a break through and advance to next levels of excellence. It inspires me to continually challenge myself to innovate and strive to facilitate even greater results.


What book has inspired you the most? 

‘Way of the Peaceful Warrior.’ My uncle had me read as a kid. It taught me so much about myself and really groomed me for much of the work that I do today.


Karima Mariama–Arthur, Esquire, CEO, WordSmithRapport, advises individuals and organizations on the dynamics of leadership development, complex communication, and performance management.

Want to see Karima Mariama-Arthur present? Attend The Power Conference on August 25 in North Bethesda Marriott!


Connect with Karima Mariama–Arthur:





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