240 683 6336 [email protected]

How did you decide to pursue the career that you are working in today?

I voluntarily left Corporate America… knowing I wanted a business of my own, where I could make a difference, make money, but, had flexibility for Volunteer activities that I am passionate.  I spent 29 years in the Pharmaceutical Industry… I had NO idea what transferable skills I had!  I met with a Business Ownership Coach, like myself, who helped me identify my skills that put me where I am today!


What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful leader?

Confidence… .Competence…. and NEVER ask anyone to do something that you would not be willing to do!


What habits helped make you successful?

Well… I can share things that I do MOST of the time and can tell you a few things I do wish I wouldn’t do!   

I am great at client follow up, return calls, look to see how I can serve their needs, not my own.

I always search out what would be the best solution to a problem or issue… I love to connect people to help all to be successful.

What I am trying NOT to do… get distracted by Facebook or HGTV… to prioritize important things in my day first… you start on some of the social media sites and 2 hours of prime productive time is gone!


What’s your productivity secret?

I HATE wasting time… this is the limited resource of our days on this earth.  Even if it planning fun activities, or relaxing, I wake up everyday with a sense of what I will complete on that day. I am a Virgo… a big list maker and love to scratch things off of that list!  I am working on saying “no” to activities that are not productive… just busy work… something you CAN’T do in Corporate America!


What motivates you?

Making a difference…. Seeing people successful, happy and productive, volunteering with Animal Rescue Leagues and saving doggie and kitty lives!



Stephanie Lewis, Founder, The Entrepreneurs Source, helps people realize their dream of business ownership and find the best enterprise match for them.

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