What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful leader?
I would say the top 3 skills to be a leader are vision, supportiveness and always learning.
A good leader needs to have a clear vision as to where they are leading their organization. You have to know where or what you are leading others to.
A good leader needs to be supportive to their team and provide them with resources they need to succeed. You can’t do it for them.
A good leader is always learning. They are aware of what they know and what they don’t know. They continually get the training and education they need to lead effectively.
What habits helped make you successful?
Consistency. Staying the course no matter how tired or frustrated I am. Being a resource. I always make a point to answer a questions or share other resources if I think it is warranted information. That has helped me to build relationships and when my services are needed I am the one they think of first.
What motivates you?
The desire to leave a legacy for my girls. I see them watching what I do and they are excited when we have wins. Their excitement pushes me to do more and be more. They believe in me 1000%.
How do you define success?
I define success as the point when you have reached your goals. So it’s on-going because we are constantly setting new goals each time a previous one is achieved. It’s those moments when you can say “I set out to do ‘X’ and I did it.”
How do you measure success for you as a leader?
By the progress of others. If someone has become more successful or accomplished a goal that was previously a hard feat for them or learned something new, then I have done my job. I am not just leading a team of employees, I am also leading clients and colleagues.
How do you set an example to those on your team?
I believe I set an example for those on my team by constantly showing them that success comes with hard work. While I do all of the professional development, I also will roll up my sleeves and do the work if I need to. And that I also set aside the time to get the training I need to continue to provide the best service I can.
Sherrell T. Martin is an award-winning financial consultant and the founder and CEO of Nitram Financial Solutions. She supports business owners with managing the financial health of their businesses so they can find the money leaks, increase cash flow and maximize profits. Under the guidance of her 4 Pillars of Financial Success™, she works with her clients to review, revise and renew their financial management system and develop the strategies that will move the needle in their business. This proprietary system was designed to help prevent business owners from making the everyday financial mistakes that ultimately causes businesses to fail. She has almost 20 years of experience in public accounting and corporate finance. But in 2012 she decided to step out on faith to create wealth and legacy for herself and other small business owners who were simply sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Want to see Sherrell T. Martin present? Attend The Power Conference on August 25 in North Bethesda Marriott!
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