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With 433+ million members worldwide, LinkedIn continues to evolve into a powerhouse business relationship portal where anyone from aspiring entrepreneur to Fortune 100 executive can build a brand, connect with key influencers, and close big deals. But your success (or lack thereof) on the platform will be a function of how you represent yourself.

Want better results from LinkedIn? Make a commitment to avoid these critical LinkedIn mistakes!

#7 – Not Completing Your Profile

According to LinkedIn, profiles that are 100% complete are 40 times more likely to receive opportunities through LinkedIn! What’s it mean to be “complete”? Find out here.

But, to truly maximize LinkedIn, your profile must be A.L.I.V.E.™   In other words, it should be Accurate, Locatable, Impactful, Value-Based, and Engaging.  Take a quick self-assessment to find out how your profile stacks up.

#6 – Not Having a Professional Headshot

I’ve heard just about every excuse on why people don’t have a headshot.  “I don’t want people to judge me because I’m old … because I’m black … because I’m overweight … because I’m young … because I’m bald” and the list goes on.

Since your goal should be to eventually make physical contact with much of your network, they’re eventually going to find out that you’re old … black … overweight … young or yes, even bald!

Cut to the chase and show people who you are upfront. This way, it’ll save precious time and energy.  And, shame on them if their mind is too small to wrap itself around our physical and cultural differences.

Struggling with exactly which professional photo to use? Free tools likePhotoFeeler can help!

#5 – Not Highlighting Your Value Proposition in Your Headline

Statistically speaking, we have 3 to 5 seconds to grab someone’s attention once they land on our profile.   So, what will you do to quickly pique someone’s interest and cause them to want to read your profile of the 433+ million profiles available to them?  Customize your headline!

Combine your unique value proposition with a few of the keywords your peers, partners and prospects would use to locate you in a search engine.  Here are a couple of examples:

“Fitness and Wellness Coach” becomes “Entrepreneur, Fitness & Wellness Coach | Helping clients experience their best self through health & fitness lifestyle”

“CEO at Red Peg Marketing” becomes “Award-winning experiential marketing professional, helping the global marketplace to connect their brands with consumers”

Incorporate this slight change in your headline and you’ll experience increased page views!

#4 – Not Tuning Into the “Right” Station

If we’re all completely honest, we’d probably agree that our favorite radio station is WIIFM … What’s In It For Me!

Throughout your profile it’s critical that you share how your expertise, product, and/or service helps companies/people make money, save money, create efficiency, solve problems, and /or bring peace of mind.  The individuals who address WIIFM are the ones who are experiencing success on LinkedIn. They’re making invaluable connections, securing their dream jobs, and/or actively building their business through new connections that eventually lead to opportunities.

#3 – Not Knowing Your Connections

Make it a priority to get to know your connections. Immediately after connecting, send a quick message thanking them for connecting and request a 5 minute call to learn more about them and to explore ways to help one another.

I know what you’re thinking, “This sounds great, but I don’t have time to get to know each of my 500+ connections. I’m too busy”.  And, certainly if your goal is to simply build a massive number of connections, I’d agree with you.  But, I challenge you to consider the quality of your network over the quantity of it.

#2 – Selling Your Products and Services

The truth of the matter is that we’ve all received more than our share of unsolicited sales propositions on LinkedIn.  Instead of lunging into a salesy email on initial contact, seek to get to know your connections first.  This takes me back to Critical Mistake #3.

Does this approach take time? Absolutely! But it also builds your credibility, helps you to nurture mutually beneficial relationships, and will set you apart from the average LinkedIn user.  The result? Greater success both on and off the platform!

#1 – Not Getting the Help You Need

I get it! Some people might think that asking for help is a sign of weakness.  But is it really?  According to author, speaker, pastor, and leadership guru, John Maxwell, “A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.”  So when you think of it that way, asking for help is probably the best thing for you!  Doing so, puts you in a position of strength and it allows you to leverage other people’s subject matter expertise, countless hours of learning, and financial investment in mastering the LinkedIn platform.

Tools you can use: LinkedIn Company Page, LinkedIn Help Center, LinkedIn Blog, and LinkedIn You Tube.

The truth of the matter is there are MANY more behaviors you’ll want to avoid when using LinkedIn, but understanding (and avoiding) these 7 critical LinkedIn mistakes will put you on the right path to maximize LinkedIn for business success.

Got a critical mistake you’d like to share? Include it as a comment below.


Kelly Leonard is a speaker, trainer, award-winning CEO, and former Fortune 500 Vice President. She has personally delivered her signature B.O.O.S.T.™ My LinkedIn strategies to over 5,000 individuals.  Among her clients are entrepreneurs and small businesses as well as non-profits, large global organizations and government agencies.  Using the same strategies Kelly teaches, her company generated $500,000+ in new consulting revenue within the first 24-months of consistent implementation.

Whether you’re a job-seeker, aspiring entrepreneur, established business owner, or corporate executive, LinkedIn is essential! Taylor-Leonard Corporation supports clients by delivering results-oriented solutions to drive individual, business, and professional objectives. Visit www.boostmylinkedin.com for more information.

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